Cybersecurity First Steps      

7 min 11 sec     


This video is one of our introductory videos and is intended to give a brief overview of initial steps organizations should take in implementing a cybersecurity program.


This video is not intended to be a step-by step guide, but will outline a path that can be followed to get your organization from where you are - to where you want to be with regard to cybersecurity.


  • Phase 1 - Orientation
  • Train staff
  • Cybersecurity posture assessment
  • Data breach planning
  • Phase 2 - Put Out the Fires
  • Implement critical controls
  • Determine organizational risk appetite
  • Phase 3 - Implementation
  • Conduct a risk assessment
  • Implement controls
  • Establish a risk register
  • Phase 4 - Planning
  • Incident Response Plan
  • Data Breach Response Plan
  • Business Continuity Plan
  • Disaster Recovery Plan

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